Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cute Puppy Video Review

Are you looking for funny fail videos, the best of YouTube, a place to find all of the funniest, cutest, silliest movies, and videos online? Then Weekly Video Review is the place, we put up your videos and review it for you.

Here are some videos I am looking at today:

Giant Dog Eats Bone.... This should say dog eats giant bone. While this dog nibbles at this enormous bone he scampers around as if to say.......look at me and this giant bone of mine. The puppy is cute and sure to get a smile from those watching. However, if I must be critical I would say that this video is not for small children. I think the sight of that bloody bone may be a little too graphic for the kids.

What Do You Think?......... 
Too Graphic or Okay for kids....
Comment Below Please

Here is a much nicer video in my opinion. It is somewhat boring, but who can resist a cute little puppy like this. I mean this dog is so cute!!! However, the video may as I said be too boring for even his cutest to overcome. I mean, one plot, dog chews bone, nothing else.                                              

What Do You Think Too Boring?                           Which Video Do You Prefer?
Please Comment Below and Together we will Review these two videos. Thank You...

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