Sunday, December 4, 2011

Have You Ever Made A Bad Parenting Decision?

Have You Ever Made A Decision As A Parent That Backfired?


Do you want some advice? Ever done something as a parent that you immediately regretted? Well, I did....... I allowed my oldest son to watch Jack@$$ the movie. Not the whole thing, but just a little cause I didnt want to turn it off and he woke up while I was watching.

So what would you do? Your son wakes up and you are watching something that isn't necessarily child appropriate? Well, I said OK and hoped he would fall asleep. 

The following video shows what happened the next day, when I found out that I should have turned the channel....
That is my kid, trying to be funny. Oh and it's hilarious, as long as it is not you getting kicked in the groin.The Next MAJOR Mistake I made was to tell him that since he was imitating that movie, that he would have to get coal for Christmas.

So, my funny son, goes straight to the man. SANTA........... Making this video...

I put the two videos together creating this final video which shows the entire event.

 I hope everyone likes it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my 2 followers, and the other 1000 or so who check out my blog each month.

I chose the following tags for this video when I put it on YouTube: Funny Kids, Funny Children, Funny Home, Christmas Fun, Funny Christmas, How to Make a Funny Video, Video Reviews, Funny Kids Video, Christmas, Santa Claus, Santa Letter, Dear Santa. 

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